
Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Less Than Jake and Creche Festival

This last Friday Kickboxer and I got to go to a Less Than Jake show. Overall we had a good time because Less Than Jake was awesome as usual but the opening of the show sucked. I kind of don't even want to waste anymore time talking about it so I'll leave it to Kickboxer if he wants to go into details. Anyway Less Than Jake was great, here's a pic of us after the show. This weekend was also the Creche Festival which I look forward to every year. Not every stake gets to have one so I'm very grateful for ours. And it proves that our little desert of a town doesn't suck as much as people thinks it does. The only bummer is I didn't get to bring my family so maybe next year. Last week I also got to go to my brother Moey's wrestling match. He had two matches. The first one he lost and the second he won. The first guy was the other captain and he was really good but Mo gave him a good fight.
Mo is also the captain this year and man is he talented! I'm so proud of him. Here is also a pic of Buggie with her cute mary jane socks on. So cute! We also recently went to the aquarium so well be posting pics really soon.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Buggie's pics and another Bubba vid

Just a quick update on our Lilybug. She is still working on crawling and she is now sitting up on her own. She still loves to pull hair, claw at our skin, and just be lovingly aggressive as usual. But soon enough she will be mobile and doing all of the above stuff. She is also standing up really strong when u hold her hands. Next week I'll be starting her on solids. Of course rice cereal to start and then it is off to making my own baby food again. Yay! Buggie is definatley ready for solids. For the past two months she has been trying to eat anything within a six inch radius of her mouth. I had to add the pic of her asleep in her swing cause this just proves that she has got something from her Daddy..sleeping with her mouth open. So cute! I'm sure Kickboxer won't think so. Also the first pic is of her an her new beanie. She outgrew all of her other ones so we had to get her a new one and she rocks it as usual. The vid is of Bubba dancing to his crazy frog video. Enjoy!

Brandon's 3rd Birthday

Well our little boy has now turned another year older. Bubba got to celebrate his birthday with lots of family around. Uncle Pat, Auntie Laura, and Baby cousin Sabrina were in town visiting so he got a huge bonus for his birthday. It was great having them here and especially getting to see our adorable niece. Bubba got to have two cakes, one from Mimi and Papa and the other from my family. So he was very hyped up on sugar that day and we had a heck of a time trying to calm him down for bed time. Here is also a vid of Bubba re-enacting one of his favorite scenes from Madagascar where Alex the Lion starts to turn more animalistic and is craving a little meat (that's my breakdown..hope you like it people). All I got to say is our son is such an artist. Everyday he throws something new at us. He's always performing..I love it!

Thursday, November 5, 2009


Halloween was a blast as always! Some of it didn't go as planned but that's alright, we'll live. As you can see Bubba was Spiderman (or Spiceman as Bubba calls him) and Lilybug was The Little Mermaid. The plan was that Bubba was gonna be the buff Spiderman and Lilybug was gonna just be a mermaid. We'll when it came down to it the Halloween store ran out of the mermaid costume I wanted and I didn't have enough time to order it off of Ebay. Then I was thinking that I could make her costume but I just didn't have the time this year so we settled for The Little Mermaid costume. Which looks more like a fairy princess rather that a mermaid. As for Bubba, I ended up getting his costume off Craigslist for half the price, only problem is he has a Robins head so the hat looked more like a yamaka than a hat. But oh well, they still looked incredibly cute and even more important, they had a great Halloween. Well we took the kids to Trunk or Treat. Lily was asleep for most of it while Bubba was stocking up on his candy. This Halloween Bubba experienced a first. He had candy for the first time! *gasp* He had two pieces altogether then Mama and Daddy finished his lot for him. Don't judge me..someone had to do it:) We got the kids to bed then we enjoyed our tradition of watching The Crow together. Ahh..I love Halloween. I'm only sad that it has come and gone. But we have Christmas coming up so it's all good.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Pumpkin patch

So this week we took the kids to the pumpkin patch. Of course Bubba loved it. The kids both got to pick out their own pumpkins and Bubba got to go into the petting zoo. As you can see we got plenty of cute pictures. I even had to continue it on the next blog to get in more pics. It was too hard to pick and chose which ones to post. Also, some other great news, Mama got her own spin class. Yay! I have it every Saturday morning at 8am and it is a Spin-Core combo class. 1/2 hour spinning and the other half is core work. Such a blast! I get to kick some booty early in the morning. Nothing better! I love it! Ian is still training his clients so he can kick some muay thai and bjj booty on a daily basis. Kai is probably going to be crawling really soon or maybe skipping that and going straight into walking. We'll see.

Pumpkin patch cont. and baby laughs with daddy

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Lilybug is 5 months/ Visiting Baby Issac

About 2 weeks ago we took a trip for the day to visit my brother with his new family. Issac had just turned 5 weeks at that time. He is such a cutie! Issac looks a lot like Joshy with Jessica's lips. The pic of Josh and Bubba is after Bubba put his face up to the screen door and ended up looking like he just got done cleaning a chimney. The vid is of Jess and Issac. If you listen carefully you can hear him let out a big toot.We hung out and had dinner which Josh had made for us then headed home. The kids are doing pretty good. Well except for today. Bubba has been throwing up since this morning. So I've been trying just to give him toast, crackers, fruit and pedialite. The last few hours he has been feeling better. I just hate it when he is sick. Wish I could take it all away. One event that made me about the happiest mom ever was recently Bubba discovering one of my very favorite tunes "Blue Moon". He loves it just as much as I do. I have to try to capture a video of it. It is too flippin adorable. That and getting to have a dance off with him to "I like to move it move it". Well our firecracker Lilybug has been up to her usual antics of keeping Mama up all night and having her own party time. And having two kids is tricky sometimes because they love to tag team or team up on us. They just want to keep it interesting I guess or drive us crazy. But we love our rugrats. Lilybug just turned 5 months but she already acts like she is 15. Here are some pics. Hope you enjoy.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Crazy schedules and Crazy babies

Well this past month or so has been a hectic time for Kickboxer and I. We've been trying to juggle our schedules with work, training, and parenting and trying to make sure we have babysitting covered when we don't have at least one of us with the kids. So needless to say it's been a fun busy month. But we are very fortunate to have great family around us that are willing to help us out and watch our babies. Well, our family knows they are lucky too. Anyone else that wants to have the pleasure of hanging out with our babies has to pay. And I'm talking big bucks too! :) As of right now I have 2 clients I am training and a potential third. And I am also teaching a yoga class for the sisters at church for an hour every week. Kickboxer is also picking up clients to train BJJ and Muay Thai at home. So that plus babies and work equal a little bit of chaos and little to no sleep. But again it's all good. We are doing things that we are very passionate about, training and parenting, so we can't complain.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Andrew's Birthday Party

This past weekend Drew Drew had his third birthday party. We got to swim and see family so it was a fun time. It was a Batman themed party and all the kids got bat capes and the baby girls got cute hats. One of the pics shows Kai sporting her hat. In case you can't tell she's saying"Who dat?!" Here's some other pics and also a video of Jay and Bubba swimming together. Bubba loves his Uncle J.J and likes to imitate him as you can see. Another really cute part of the party was when Drew put on his Batman outfit that came complete with a mask and a cape, Brandon went over to him and kept saying "That's Batman...Drew Drew is Batman!" It was like he had seen someone that was famous. So cute.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Random pics

Hey ya'll! Here's just some pics that we've forgotton to post earlier or they are just too cute not to put up. The wedding pic is of my friend's daughter Lauren and her hubby at their wedding reception. They got married in the Los Angeles Temple and had the reception at Beth's home, which was awesome. Bubba loved the music and wanted to dance almost to every song but everytime we went on the dance floor he got really shy so I had to hold him while we danced which gave me a great workout.I made eggrolls for the reception but we arrived a little late and I handed them to Doug (Beth's husband) and after that they were never to be seen. Well by us anyway. Later on Beth and her fam got to enjoy them. Ian was just a little bummed that he didn't get to have one. The other pic is of course of Kickboxer, Uncle Pat and their baby girls. And the last two are just some sweet pictures of Daddy and his babies. The video is of Lilybug playing in her favorite toy. This isn't even half as crazy as she normally gets in her jumper.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Baby Issac is here!

Well this week was a crazy week. Wednesday afternoon we rushed to Ventura because my sister in law went into labor and her contractions were 5-10 minutes apart. I was supposed to be there to help her with her labor with coaching and massaging or whatever she needed. Well it was a little bit of a challenge with the two babies and with me nursing Kai. We were able to have my family watch Brandon while we were away and Ian came along to watch Kai. So we arrived there Wednesday afternoon and we all stayed up all night with Jess. Well come Thursday morning her contractions were 2-3 min apart so we went to the hospital and they checked her and she was only 1-2 cm. I think we all wanted to cry because she had been in labor since Tuesday. The good news was that the baby was doing fine and they sent Jess home to labor more until things progressed more. So Thursday afternoon Ian and I and the baby decided it would be best to leave them for a bit so Jess didn't have any distractions and could relax and focus on her labor. And we would go home, I would pump as much as I could and wait until she got closer and haul booty down to Ventura. Well Saturday afternoon I got a call from Joshy that she was admitted into the hospital and she was 5cm and they broke her water so I hauled booty down to the hospital. Well by the time I got there she had gotten an epidural (she had wanted to do it natural). But she was a trooper. So we just hung out and by 3:30 she was ready to push and 4:20 we welcomed baby Issac into the world. He is so adorable! My brother even let me hold him before he held him. It was such an amazing experience. To watch my brother become a daddy right before my eyes. Well after about a half an hour I had to shoot home to nurse my little one. I did my best not to die driving home since I had gotten no sleep. So I 'm still alive! The other pics are of course of our beautiful Lily and her sporting a couple outfits that I had gotten for a $1 each. And of my little Bubba and I when he wasn't feeling to good.